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News in Brief: War on Drugs Has Failed, and More

War on Drugs Has Failed

War on Drugs Has Failed

The Global Commission on Drug Policy has declared that the global war on drugs has failed, and powerful countries like the United States should end the “criminalization, marginalization and stigmatization of people who use drugs but who do no harm to others.” The commission, which features international leaders like former Unites States Secretary of State George Shultz and former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, issued a report today claiming that the global war on drugs has had a “devastating” effect on individuals and societies and around the world and recommends widespread drug policy reform and drug legalization, especially for marijuana. The report also recommends that governments focus less on the arrest and incarceration of farmers and low-level drug dealers as the imprisonment of tens of millions of people in recent decades has torn apart families and failed to reduce the availability of illegal drugs.

British Fracking Rigs May Have Caused Earthquakes

A British mining company voluntarily suspended a hydraulic fracturing, aka “fracking,” operation after scientists said the drilling operation might have triggered two earthquakes, according to CBS. Fracking involves the injection of millions of gallons of water and liquid chemicals to break up rock and free natural gas, and the practice is largely unregulated and highly controversial in the US.

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Lamo Does Not Regret Snitching on Manning

Adrian Lamo, the ex-hacker who turned in alleged WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning, recently said that he does not regret snitching on Manning and aiding in the criminal prosecution of the former military intelligence officer, according to CNET. “Sometimes you need to consider the good of the many versus the good of the one,” Lamo said. Lamo himself pleaded guilty in 2004 to hacking into The New York Times' computers, and has since positioned himself as a patriotic hacker for hire. Lamo encouraged Manning to confide in him over a web chat as Manning allegedly stole thousands of US diplomatic cables and military intelligence files and turned them over to WikiLeaks. Manning is currently being held in a maximum-security facility and is facing a series of charges that could carry life imprisonment or the death penalty.

Dozens Dead in Yemen After Clashes

Dozens of Yemeni protesters were killed in street battles with the country's security forces yesterday, according to The Guardian UK. At least 41 people died in overnight clashes as Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh reinforced his armed security forces after clashes with fighters loyal to a rebel tribal leader. Some British diplomats have described the situation as “worse than Libya.” The Guardian UK also reports that Human Rights Watch has accused Syria of killing and torturing political dissidents as pro-democracy demonstrations spread through Syria and the Arab world.