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National Disgrace

We know our readers are those kind of people, too: people who see past borders, who recognize the shared humanity of all your global neighbors. Will you make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout tonight, to enable us to keep bringing you stories of injustice and struggle from around the world?

It’s hard not to be embarrassed by my country right now.

As a British citizen, I deplore the detainment of journalist Glenn Greenwald’s partner at Heathrow airport, and the UK government’s destruction of hard drives at The Guardian newspaper’s London offices. Not for the first time, I’m ashamed of my country’s government.

Then again, it’s hard to find a government not disgracing the people it claims to represent with oppressive policies, from Russia’s anti-LGBT laws to the military’s massacres in Egypt, not to mention the United States’ own racist drug war and system of mass incarceration.

Fortunately, there are people who live in all these countries who inspire hope with their resistance and dissent. Truthout exists to inspire and inform those people, and to tell their stories as they strive for a better world.

We know our readers are those kind of people, too: people who see past borders, who recognize the shared humanity of all your global neighbors. Will you make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout now, to enable us to keep bringing you stories of injustice and struggle from around the world?

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Urgent! We have a limited amount of time

Truthout has launched a crucial fundraising campaign to support our work. We have 9 days to raise $50,000.

Every single day, our team is reporting deeply on complex political issues: revealing wrongdoing in our so-called justice system, tracking global attacks on human rights, unmasking the money behind right-wing movements, and more. Your donation at this moment is critical, allowing us to do this core journalistic work.

Help safeguard what’s left of our democracy. Please make a tax-deductible gift before time runs out.