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Election 2012

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Landing page for election coverage

“Election 2012” is the place to find original insight and analysis on this year’s presidential election. As Mitt Romney and Barack Obama battle it out on the national stage, Truthout chronicles the facts, the gaffes and the political questions and public response. Corporate influence in a post-Citizens United era is quickly changing the landscape of our democracy, and we’ll be publishing a wide range of news and progressive opinion in the lead-up to that big day in November.

Romney’s Shape-Shifting Foreign Policy
By Melvin A. Goodman, Consortium News | Op-Ed

Obama as Commander-in-Chief, Romney as Banal Bully
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

A Festival of Gibberish
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Presidential Debate Number Two: No Serious Solutions Offered
By Paul Jay, The Real News Network | Interview and Video

Ryan’s Publicity Stunt Could Hurt Ohio Soup Kitchen
By Connie Schultz, Truthout | Report
Obama vs. Romney III: “I got nuthin’,” But There’s a Reason for That
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis
Corporate Lobbyists Manage Our Presidential Debates
By Lee Fang, The Nation | Report
Election Countdown 2012: Protesters Chain Themselves to Revolving Doors at a State Office Building to Stop Fracking in North Carolina, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis
A Timeline of Romney’s Campaign Foreign Policy Positions
By Ben Armbruster, ThinkProgress | News Analysis
Obama vs. Romney on Iran
By Trita Parsi, Truthout | Op-Ed
e-Voting Company Could Intercept and Change Ballots Without a Trace
By Gerry Bello and Bob Fitrakis, The Free Press | Report
Mitt Romney’s Pregnancy Problem
By Geoffrey Dunn, Metro Silicon Valley | News Analysis
Election Countdown 2012: Are the Presidential Candidates Lying About Job Creation?, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | Report
Election Countdown 2012: Mayor Bloomberg Pledges $10 Million of His Own Money to Endorse Moderate Candidates, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis
America’s Media Just Made Vote-Rigging Easier
By Victoria Collier, Truthout | News Analysis

The Dirty Dozen: The Top 12 Election Issues Nobody Is Talking About
By Michael I Niman, ArtVoice | Op-Ed

Does the Romney Family Now Own Your e-Vote?
By Gerry Bello, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman, The Free Press | Report

The Romneys Don’t Make Money; Their Money Makes Money
By Salvatore Babones, Truthout | News Analysis

In Conference Call, Romney Urged Businesses to Tell Their Employees How to Vote
By Mike Elk, In These Times | Report

William Rivers Pitt: The Second Debate
By Ted Asregadoo , American Liberal/Truthout | Video Interview

Election Countdown 2012: Republican and Green Party Candidates Go Head to Head on State House Ticket in Florida, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Two Steps Backward: Suppressing the Vote in 2012
By Arlene Ash and John Lamperti, Truthout | News Analysis

Green Party Ticket Arrested at Presidential Debate
By Allison Kilkenny, The Nation | Report
Obama Punches Back
By Eugene Robinson, Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

At Last Night’s Debate: Romney Told 31 Myths in 41 Minutes
By Igor Volsky, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

Obama Is Back
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

William Rivers Pitt: When the President Comes to Town
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

The Problem Is Not Romney – It’s the Republican Party
By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed

5 Facts to Commit to Memory Before Watching Tonight’s Debate
By Annie-Rose Strasser, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

Five Points Obama Must Address Tonight
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

Election Countdown 2012: TransCanada Files SLAPP Suit Against Winnsboro Tree Blockaders, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Obama’s Task Tuesday Night
By Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | News Analysis

Campaigns Mine Personal Data to Get Out Vote
By Charles Duhigg, The New York Times News Service | Report

For Obama, Upside of Lackluster Debate: Less Ammo for the Super PAC Firing Squad
By Brendan Fischer, PR Watch | News Analysis

Election Countdown 2012: National Walmart Walkouts Continue Across the Nation, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Report

Paul Ryan’s Misconceived Rugged Individualism
By Mugambi Jouet, Truthout | News Analysis

Election Countdown 2012: Thousands of Absentee Ballots Were Discarded in Key West Due to Voter Negligence
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Gar Alperovitz on the 2012 Presidential Debate

By Gar Alperovitz, Democracy Collaborative | Video

Biden to the Rescue
By Eugene Robinson, Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Know Your Rights: Voter ID Laws Threaten Transgender Voters
By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | Report

Biden Puts Ryan on the Defensive
By EJ Dionne Jr, Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

At the Vice Presidential Debate: Ryan Told 24 Myths in 40 Minutes
By Igor Volsky, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

Hey, Joe
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

What Everyone Needs to Know Before Watching the VP Debate
By Annie-Rose Strasser, ThinkProgress | Report

Big Joe and the Joyful Noise
By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout | Op-Ed

Memo to Joe, Re: Debate
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

Sherrod Brown’s Lessons for Obama
By E.J. Dionne Jr., Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Romney’s $2-Trillion Defense Increase Won’t Buy More Defense, Just More Waste
By Dina Rasor, Truthout | Solutions

Don’t Ask and Don’t Tell: Six Critical Foreign Policy Questions That Won’t Be Raised in the Presidential Debates
By Peter Van Buren, Tom Dispatch | Op-Ed

Ghost of the New Deal Haunts Democrats’ Agenda, but It’s Time to Summon FDR
By Richard D Wolff, Truthout | News Analysis

“Class” Used to Be a Dirty Word: Elections Point to New Paradigm
By Roger Baker, The Rag Blog | Op-Ed

Robert Reich: The Politics of Fear and the Party of Non-Voters
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

The Definitive Timeline of Romney’s Ever-Evolving Tax Plan
By Travis Waldron, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

The US Electoral College Explained: Why We Don’t Vote Directly for a President
By Harry J. Enten, The Guardian | Video Report

Romney’s “47 Percent” Blunder Reveals the Hidden Heart of His Agenda
By Charles Derber and Yale Magrass, Truthout | News Analysis

At Least Five Pennsylvania Counties Still Falsely Tell Voters They Need ID
By Ian Millhiser, ThinkProgress | Report

Election Countdown 2012: New York Residents Block Construction on Proposed Pipeline, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Social Security: President Obama’s Biggest Failure in Last Week’s Debate
By Dean Baker, Truthout | Op-Ed

Election Countdown 2012: Elizabeth Warren Still Ahead of Scott Brown in Poll of Likely Voters, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Report

Best Line of the Debate
By Dave Johnson, Our Future | Op-Ed

Robert Reich: The First Presidential Debate
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

Noam Chomsky: Issues That Obama and Romney Avoid
By Noam Chomsky, Truthout | Op-Ed

The Media Can Now Get the Electoral Horse Race It Wants
By Matt Stoller, Naked Capitalism | Report

Media Ignore Republican Disdain for Basic Human Rights
By Michael I Niman, ArtVoice | Op-Ed

Did Romney “Win” the Debate?
By Robert Parry, Consortium News | Op-Ed

Romney’s Personality Shift
By EJ Dionne Jr, The Washington Post Writers Group| Op-Ed

Romney Passes the Torch to Taxpayers
By Jim Hightower, Other Words | Op-Ed

Tough Talk for America: A Guide to the Presidential Debates You Won’t Hear
By Mattea Kramer, TomDispatch | News Analysis

Will Students Vote in November? Perspectives on Elections at the National Student Power Convergence
By Zachary Bell, Truthout | Report and Video

As Election Day Looms, Voter ID Law Critics Seek Out the Unregistered
By Tony Pugh, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

The Day After the Election, What Happens To Sensata-Style Workers?
By Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future | News Analysis

Suspicious Voter Forms Found in Florida – Again
By Lizette Alvarez, The New York Times News Service | Report

Illinois Ballot Amendment Attacks Public Employee Pensions By Attacking Democracy
By Zaid Jilani, Bold Progressives | Report

Mitt Romney Invests in Global-Tech Sweatshop in China
By Staff, Institute for Global Labour and Human Rights | Report

Romney Versus Realonomy: A Peek Inside the Bubble
By Salvatore Babones, Truthout | News Analysis

Bill Moyers: Election Expert Richard Hasen on Voter Fraud and Disenfranchisement
By Lauren Feeney, Moyers & Company | Interview

GOP vs. Democrats: The Failure to Communicate
By Ira Chernus, History News Network | Op-Ed

Romney’s Goal for the Companies Bain Acquired: “Harvest Them at Significant Profit”
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed and Video

Obama Versus Romney: Everything You Need to Know About Where the Candidates Stand on Energy Policy
By Daniel J. Weiss and Jackie Weidman, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

Florida GOP Fired Romney Consultant’s Voter Registration Firm After Fraudulent Forms Reported in Palm Beach
By Brad Friedman, The Brad Blog | Report

Repackaging Mitt as a Compassionate Conservative? It’s Too Late
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

After Making a Mess of Iraq, Bush Advisers Join Team Romney
By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Obama’s Lead Over Romney Is Growing in Key Battleground States, and More
By Thom Hartmann, The Thom Hartmann Program | Video Report

Five Facts About Voting in America for National Voter Registration Day
By Ian Millhiser, ThinkProgress| Op-Ed

Election Countdown 2012: Selma City Council Votes to Stop Monument to KKK Leader, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

All Eyes on Ohio
By Paul Krugman, Krugman & Co. | Op-Ed

A Voting Issue That Isn’t
By Eugene Robinson, Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Romney Energy Plan: Hot Cow Manure on Planet’s Open Wounds
By Dr Brian Moench, Truthout | Op-Ed

Of the Two Major Views on Why Romney Is Losing, One Is More Convincing
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | News Analysis

The 1% and the 47%
By Paul Street, ZCommunications | Op-Ed

Obama Against the World: Forget Mitt Romney, Can the President Make It to November 7?
By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch | Op-Ed

Robert Reich: Four Reasons Why Romney Might Still Win
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | Op-Ed

Romney’s Class Warfare
By Eugene Robinson, Washington Post Writers Group | Op-Ed

Neither Candidate: Fifteen Issues This Election Is Not About
By Bill Quigley, Dissident Voice | News Analysis

Election Countdown 2012: Eight Tree-Sitters Block Keystone XL Pipeline in Texas, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Election Countdown 2012: Occupy Demands an Expansion of the Commons, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Obama Against the World: Forget Mitt Romney, Can the President Make It to November 7?
By Tom Engelhardt, TomDispatch | Op-Ed

Election Countdown 2012: Chicago Teachers Go Back to the Classroom, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

By Robert Parry, Consortium News | Op-Ed

How Romney’s Economic Plan Redistributes Wealth to the Wealthy
By Pat Garofalo, ThinkProgress | News Analysis

Ten Huge Issues Being Ignored in the Presidential Campaign
By Zack Beauchamp , ThinkProgress | Report

Romney’s “47 Percent”: Here’s Who’s Actually Not Paying Federal Taxes
By Tony Pugh, McClatchy Newspapers | Report

When Bishop Romney Came to Call
By Lani Gerson, Truthout | Op-Ed

Ryan Runs Into the Truth
By Jim Hightower, Other Words | Op-Ed

Election Countdown 2012: Occupiers Have to Figure Out How to Defend Themselves as Anniversary Celebrations Continue, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Five Issues This Election Should Be About, and One to Drop
By Sarah van Gelder, Yes! Magazine | Op-Ed

Romney Calls 47% of Voters Dependent in Leaked Video
By Michael Barbaro and Michael D Shear, New York Times | Report

Five SCOTUS Cases That Could Be Overruled In A Romney Court, And Five That Could Be Overruled Under Obama
By Adam Peck and Ian Millhiser, ThinkProgress | Report

Why Romney and Ryan Are Going Down
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | News Analysis

Does President Obama Want to Cut Social Security by 3 Percent?
By Dean Baker, Truthout | News Analysis

Obama Says One Thing in Spotlight, Another Behind Closed Doors
By Kevin Zeese, October 2011 | News Analysis

Election Countdown 2012: Despite Employment Rates, Obama Declares That the US Is Not In Decline
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Mitt Romney, Monsanto Man
By Wayne Barrett, The Nation | News Analysis

Election Countdown 2012: Chicago Teachers Strike Spreads Across the City, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Greg Palast on How the GOP Is Planning to Steal the 2012 Election
By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview

Election Countdown 2012: Chicago Strikes Places Obama Between a Rock and a Hard Place and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analyis

Why Five Studies Cited by Romney Further Prove His Plan Will Raise Taxes on the Middle Class
By Pat Garofalo, ThinkProgress | Report

Voter Suppression: The Unraveling of American Democracy
By Ruth Rosen, History News Network | News Analysis

Election Countdown 2012: Chicago Superintendent Jean-Claude Brizard Left Rochester After 90 Percent of Teachers Voted “No Confidence” in His Leadership, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

A Tight Election May Be Tangled in Legal Battles
By Ethan Bronner, The New York Times News Service | Report

The Biggest Economic Challenge of Obama’s Second Term
By Robert Reich, Robert Reich’s Blog | News Analysis

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein Weighs in on the Organic Food Debate
By Bill Moyers, Bill Moyers & Company | Video

Election Countdown 2012: Florida Health Administrators Leave Sick and Disabled Children in Nursing Homes, and More
By Lambert Strether, Naked Capitalism | News Analysis

Interview With the Green Party’s Jill Stein, Candidate for Organizer in Chief
By Yana Kunichoff, Truthout | Interview


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