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Wisconsin Recall: As Voters Head to Polls, a Debate on Walker’s Record, Election Spending and Unions

In the most expensive political race in Wisconsinu2019s history, voters will decide today whether Republican Gov. Scott Walker will finish his first term.

In the most expensive political race in Wisconsin’s history, voters will decide today whether Republican Gov. Scott Walker will finish his first term. The recall effort was launched last year after Walker stripped public sector unions of their collective bargaining rights and reduced their benefits. We go to Milwaukee for a debate about Walker, his Democratic challenger Tom Barrett, the role of public sector unions and what the vote means for the nation with two guests: Richard Esenberg, head of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty and an adjunct professor of law at Marquette University, who supports Walker; and Robert Kraig, executive director of Citizens Action Wisconsin, a coalition of social and economic justice groups and union locals, who supports Barrett.


Robert Kraig, Executive Director of Citizens Action Wisconsin, a coalition of social and economic justice groups, and union locals throughout the state.

Richard Esenberg, President and General Counsel of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, and an Adjunct Professor Of Law at Marquette University.

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