Video Posts
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Video of Cornel West at March and His Arrest at the US Supreme Court
Dr. Cornel West on a spontaneous march to the U.S. Supreme Court after his speech to the occupiers at Freedom Plaza. His speech on the steps of the Supreme …
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Occupy Wall Street Live Stream Video
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Why Wall Street and Insurance Should Get Out of Health Care: Adara Scarlet’s Story (2)
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Why Wall Street and Insurance Should Get Out of Health Care: Adara Scarlet’s Story
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The Seven Biggest Economic Lies (2)
The President’s Jobs Bill doesn’t have a chance in Congress — and the Occupiers on Wall Street and elsewhere can’t become a national movement for a more equitable society …
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Dr. Margaret Flowers Confronts Wall Street Investors Trying to Profit from Health Care
We need Wall Street, the health insurance industry and investors out of health care; replaced by a publicly financed single payer improved Medicare for all system. Doctors, health providers …
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Why Do These Koch Industries Neighbors Have Cancer?
Our ongoing Koch Brothers Exposed video investigation has discovered something so tragic it will haunt Charles and David Koch for years to come. Is a Koch Industries …
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Elizabeth Warren: Markets Need to Be Regulated
Elizabeth Warren explains the need to hold financial institutions accountable, and responds to accusations of “socialism.”
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Occupy Wall Street Organizer: Protest Expands Despite Police Effort to “Silence” Demonstrators
Now in its fourth week, the Occupy Wall Street encampment has attracted thousands of demonstrators who continue to tackle the challenges of self-organizing and building a movement. As their …
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EXPOSED: Koch Industries and Cancer Risk
Is a Koch Industries factory getting away with murder? While the brothers wage war against safety precautions, every day their factory is dumping millions of gallons of wastewater into …