Video Posts
Prosperity Under Occupation?
Inside Palestine's besieged Areas ‘A’ - how the Ramallah bubble was created and how it might burst.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Two GOP Congressmen Want to Impeach Obama Over Gun Reforms, and More
More than 300 private schools teaching creationism receive taxpayer dollars, and more.
Behind the NRA’s Money: Gun Lobby Deepens Financial Ties to $12 Billion Firearms Industry
New investigation: NRA relies on support of $12-billion a year from firearms and ammunition manufacturers and sellers.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: More Than 8,000 New York City School Bus Drivers Go on Strike, and More
In today's On the News segment: In New York City, more than 8,000 school bus drivers walked off the job in strike on Tuesday; a school shooting in eastern …
Debate on Armed Police in Schools: Needed for Kid Safety or Part of the Student-to-Prison Pipeline?
As the National Rifle Association pushes for armed guards in every school, we host a debate over what type of security measures should be taken in schools to prevent …
Is Effective Financial Regulation Possible?
Gerald Epstein: Powerful lobbying by finance sector keeps turning regulations into Swiss cheese; there is an alternative if people fight for it.
Admin Aids French Bombing of Mali After US-Trained Forces Join Rebels in Uranium-Rich Region
France is in its fifth day of an offensive to oust rebels that have held much of Maliu2019s northern region since March, an area larger than Afghanistan.
Syria a Humanitarian Disaster – People Demand a Political Settlement Without Assad
Omar Dahi: External powers are manipulating the struggle, Jihadist forces are increasingly prominent, but most Syrians believe a settlement is not possible with Assad in power.
Hundreds of Sandy Survivors Call for Passage of $51 Billion Dollar Aid Package
Rockaway Island residents say billions in aid needed for full recovery.
“An Incredible Soul”: Larry Lessig Remembers Aaron Swartz
“This was somebody who was pushed to the edge by what I think of as a kind of bullying by our government.”