Video Posts

Truthout Radio With Thom Hartmann: Guns and the Second Amendment
Ted Asregadoo interviews Thom Hartmann on

Jordanians Vote for the First Time Since Arab Spring
Islamic Action Front and opposition groups boycott parliamentary elections, regime not responding to demands for real government reform.

“The Square”: Jehane Noujaim’s New Film Captures Egypt’s Ongoing Revolution After Mubarak’s Fall
As Egyptians mark the second anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, we look at a new documentary that captures the ongoing protest movement in Egypt well after the downfall of …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: CIA Whistleblower Gets 30 Months in Jail for Releasing Classified Information on Waterboarding, and More
In today's On the News segment: CIA whistleblower, John Kiriakou, was sentenced to 30 months in jail for releasing classified information that exposed the agency's use of waterboarding; Democrats …

“After Tiller”: 40 Years Since Roe v. Wade, Abortion Providers Continue Work of Slain Kansas Doctor
Forty years after the landmark Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion, the new documentary, After Tiller, follows the only four doctors left in the United States who are …

Davos Still Pushes Failed Global Vision
Bill Black reports from Davos that the Global Competitiveness Report pushes countries towards even more deregulation - policies that helped trigger the crisis.

The Case Against Kerry
Stephen Zunes tracks the history of John Kerry from Vietnam War critic to Iraq war hawk.

On The News With Thom Hartmann: Virginia Gerrymanders Presidential Votes, Robin Hood Tax Hits Europe, and More
Virginia Gerrymanders Presidential Votes, Robin Hood Tax Hits Europe, and More

Seattle Teachers’ Boycott of High Stakes Tests Spreads
Educators nationwide support growing Seattle teacher boycott of high stakes tests.

“Fire in the Blood”: Millions Die in Africa After Big Pharma Blocks Imports of Generic AIDS Drugs
The new documentary,