Video Posts

Koch Brothers Driving Keystone XL Pipeline from Canada to Cut Out Venezuelan Oil
Greg Palast: Koch brothers could save two billion dollars a year if they can replace Venezuelan heavy crude crude with Canadian tar sands - one of the dirtiest sources …

US Economy “Stuck in the Mud”
Robert Pollin: Last quarter of 2012 had zero growth, wages were lower, unemployment higher as stock market hit record highs.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Largest Nurses’ Union in the US Has Joined the Fight Against Keystone XL, and More
In today's On the News segment: The nation's largest nurses' union - National Nurses United - has joined the fight against the Keystone XL pipeline; the Progressive Caucus announced it …

Daniel Ellsberg: NDAA Indefinite Detention Provision Is Part of “Systematic Assault on Constitution”
A lawsuit challenging a law that gives the government the power to indefinitely detain US citizens is back in federal court this week.

Kill List Exposed: Leaked Obama Memo Shows Assassination of US Citizens “Has No Geographic Limit”
The Obama administration's internal legal justification for assassinating US citizens without charge has been revealed for the first time.

Two Years on, Egyptian Revolution Caught in Violent Past
Egypt still reeling from January 25th anniversary violence, as police brutality moves some revolutionaries to abandon peaceful protests.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Teen Pregnancies Are Plummeting in New York City, and More
This drop likely has something to do with New York being one of only 21 states that allows minors to have access to contraceptive services.

Jason Leopold Speaks About His Recent Trip to Guantanamo
Nicole Sandler speaks with truthout's Jason Leopold about his trip to Guantanamo Bay.

Voices From DC: Speaking Up for Schools and a Quality Education in Communities of Color
School closures siphon resources from public schools into private ventures, entrusting education to corporations.

Cuba Not Isolated in Latin America
Cuba becomes president of Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries as even close American allies defy US policy of isolating Cuba.