Video Posts
Inequality and the Environment
James Boyce: In places where the income gap is greatest, the environment is more degraded for everyone.
Rick Wolff: A Cure for Capitalism?
Employment's up, wealth's up, but the benefits of both are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few.
Daniel Ellsberg: In Hearing Bradley Manning Act Out of Conscience, Secret Tape Refutes Media Slander
To discuss Bradley Manningu2019s recorded court statement that was recently leaked to the press, weu2019re joined by perhaps the countryu2019s most famous whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: New York State Judge Has Struck Down Mayor Bloomberg’s Supersize Soda Ban, and More
A New York state judge has struck down Mayor Bloomberg's supersize soda ban.
Rally Against Deportations in Phoenix
Protest organized by families broken by immigration deportations.
Fukushima Meltdown’s 2nd Anniversary Brings Protests Against Japan’s Reliance on Nuclear Power
Japan stands at a crossroads over its reliance on nuclear power as the country marks the second anniversary of one of the worldu2019s worst atomic disasters.
Income Inequality Goes Viral
Over the weekend, a YouTube video breaking down income inequality in America went viral.
US Tries to Control Outcome of Syrian War
Prof. Omar Dahi: US increases aid to select opposition groups to determine winner of civil war.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: 200,000 Taiwanese Publicly Protested Nuclear Power on Saturday, and More
In today's On the News segment: Legislation that would penalize employers for lockouts in labor disputes introduced in Minnesota, and more.
Price for Denial, Inaction on Climate Is Higher Than Toll of Reducing Consumption
Petroleum expert: 'People need to realize that oil is a finite resource, and using it in the crazy, irresponsible ways we use it today is in fact suicidal - …