Video Posts
Phil Donahue on His 2003 Firing From MSNBC, When Liberal Network Couldn’t Tolerate Antiwar Voices
In 2003, the legendary television host Phil Donahue was fired from his prime-time MSNBC talk show during the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Walmart Is Illegally Targeting Employees That Protested During Black Friday, and More
Walmart is illegally targeting employees that took part in the Black Friday protests.
Dahr Jamail Returns to Iraq to Find Rampant Torture and a Failed State Living in “Utter Devastation”
nvestigative journalist Dahr Jamail reported for Democracy Now! throughout the early stages of the U.S. invasion of Iraq 10 years ago.
Canadian Government Fights US Opposition to Tar Sands Pipeline
Yves Engler: Unprecedented aggressive lobbying campaign by Canada to push Obama to say yes to XL pipeline.
Solution to Student Debt is to Get the Banks Out of the Education Business
Michael Hudson: Crippling student debt, which is also a drag on the whole ecnonomy, developed as governments pushed the burden of higher education costs onto students and pushed them …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Bill Meant to Strengthen Gun Regulations Could Turn Into One That Actually Enhances Guns Rights, and More
In today's On the News segment:Â The bill the Senate is voting on next month to strengthen gun regulations could turn into one that actually enhances guns rights;Â nearly every state …
Gailbraith and Panitch: Is a New “New Deal” Possible?
James K. Gailbraith and Leo Panitch discuss the 80th anniversary of the election of FDR and the significance of the New Deal.
Alex Steffen on Carbon-Zero Cities
Alex Steffen: Our task is to imagine a society that can deliver comparable or better prosperity and well-being using a small fraction of the energy and materials that we …
The New York Times and “Liberal Media” Helped Sell the Iraq War
Michael Ratner: The NYT and other ‘liberal’ commentators led the way in selling the WMD myth and justified the Iraq war.
New York’s Police Union Worked With the NYPD to Set Arrest and Summons Quotas
Some officers sought out or even manufactured arrests to avoid department retaliation.