Video Posts

On the News With Thom Hartmann: 11 States Have Affirmed That Gay Rights Are Civil Rights, and More
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Eleven states have affirmed that gay rights are civil rights; President Obama will have to fight the GOP to raise our debt ceiling; …

Pollin Responds to Reinhart and Rogoff; Cuts Deepen and Stock Market Soars
Bob Pollin: NYT Op-ed defending study repeats errors; theoretical basis for austerity has been exposed yet massive cuts in public spending continue.

Robert Fisk on Syria’s Civil War, Chemical Weapons “Theater” and Obama’s Backing of Israeli Strikes
As the United States moves toward increased intervention in Syria, we're joined by Robert Fisk, the longtime Middle East correspondent of the British newspaper The Independent.

Japanese Movement Against TPP Growing
Critics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership say it is an attempt to impose an American system on Japan and would threaten Japanese public healthcare system.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Banksters Are Violating Their $25 Billion Settlement
Five major US Banks are violating a a $25 billion settlement from last year that was meant to compensate victims of abusive bank practices and foreclosure fraud.

Musharraf’s Forgotten Dark Legacy: Pakistan’s “Disappeared”
The arrest of General Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan provides new hope to the families of hundreds of Pakistanis who've gone missing since the ‘War on Terror’ came to Pakistan.

Michael Pollan: From GMOs to NYC’s Soda Ban, Local Efforts Challenge Agri-Giants’ National Control
From Californiau2019s Proposition 37 initiative to New York Cityu2019s soda ban, journalist and best-selling author Michael Pollan argues that local efforts hold the key to challenging the agricultural industryu2019s …

Angela Davis and Assata Shakur’s Lawyer Denounce FBI’s Adding of Exiled Activist to Terrorists List
One day after the exiled former Black Panther Assata Shakur became the first woman named to the FBIu2019s Most Wanted Terrorists list, weu2019re joined by another legendary African-American activist, …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: New Report Charts Capitalism’s Cancerous Spread Into Social Programs, and More
In today's On the News segment: The National Rifle Association's new president will lead the charge against new stricter gun laws in several states, and more.

Why Are People With Health Insurance Going Bankrupt?
Dr. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese: Obama care will not put an end to medical bankruptcies - 80 percent of people going bankrupt due to healthcare costs had insurance.