Video Posts

Behind the Cleveland Kidnappings, a Culture of “Toxic Masculinity” and Gender-Based Violence
The case expresses something that we see all over our culture, which is men trained to think that the way to be a man is to have power over …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Republican National Committee Wants Even More Money in Politics, and More
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Republican National Committee Wants Even More Money in Politics, and More

European Governments Take Steps to Label Products of Israeli Colonies
Michael Deas: European governments have so far failed the laws of the European Commission to distinguish between Israeli and colony products, but several governments have made public calls to …

Stephen Hawking Confirms Support of Israel Boycott
Phyllis Bennis: Hawking's boycott of Israel will shake Israeli public the way sports boycott affected South Africa.

Pentagon Study Finds 26,000 Military Sexual Assaults Last Year, Over 70 Sex Crimes Per Day
A shocking new report by the Pentagon has found that 70 sexual assaults may be taking place within the U.S. military every day.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: 11 States Have Affirmed That Gay Rights Are Civil Rights, and More
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Eleven states have affirmed that gay rights are civil rights; President Obama will have to fight the GOP to raise our debt ceiling; …

Pollin Responds to Reinhart and Rogoff; Cuts Deepen and Stock Market Soars
Bob Pollin: NYT Op-ed defending study repeats errors; theoretical basis for austerity has been exposed yet massive cuts in public spending continue.

Robert Fisk on Syria’s Civil War, Chemical Weapons “Theater” and Obama’s Backing of Israeli Strikes
As the United States moves toward increased intervention in Syria, we're joined by Robert Fisk, the longtime Middle East correspondent of the British newspaper The Independent.

Japanese Movement Against TPP Growing
Critics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership say it is an attempt to impose an American system on Japan and would threaten Japanese public healthcare system.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Banksters Are Violating Their $25 Billion Settlement
Five major US Banks are violating a a $25 billion settlement from last year that was meant to compensate victims of abusive bank practices and foreclosure fraud.