Video Posts
On the News With Thom Hartmann: North Carolina Citizens Are Protesting Out-of-Control Republicans, and More
Over the last two months, activists and civil leaders have been protesting extreme Right-wing policies in North Carolina; Senate Democrats tried to restore lower student loan interest rates, but …
Indignation Across Europe At Revelations of US Spying on Its Citizens
Former British intelligence whistleblower Annie Machon: Europeans angry at spying revelations, but laws protect spy agencies from accountability.
Senate Set to Confirm New FBI Head Who OK’d Waterboarding, Defends Mass Spying, Indefinite Detention
At his confirmation hearing to head the FBI, former Bush administration Deputy Attorney General James Comey refused to criticize the broad, ongoing collection of the phone records of Americans …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Snowden’s Revelation Paves the Way for Federal Lawsuit Against NSA
Edward Snowden's NSA leaks have allowed for a federal lawsuit against the NSA in defense of the fourth amendment.
On Shifting Ground: Tensions High As Egypt Names New PM
TRNN Cairo correspondent Jihan Hafiz describes tense mood in Egypt after massacre, excessive force by military leaves many in denial of army's past human rights record.
Glenn Greenwald: Snowden Encouraged by Global Outrage over NSA Spying, Support for His Plight
Amy Goodman interviews Guardian reporter Glenn Greenwald on the impact of Edward Snowden's revelation.
Edward Snowden on Why He Stood Up to the NSA: Mass Spying “Not Something I’m Willing to Live Under”
Interview with whistleblower Edward Snowden.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Koch Brothers Fund Misinformation Campaign Aimed at Turning Americans Against New Healthcare Laws, And More
In today's On the News segment: As Obamacare goes into effect, the Koch brothers have orchestrated a multi-million dollar misinformation campaign; The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago says an …
Whistleblower: Obama’s Secrecy Makes Bush Look Mild
NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake says a new American revolution is needed to resist surveillance state - defends Snowden from pro-Obama left criticism.
Inside Gitmo Military Commissions
Adam Hudson: Despite potential closing of Gitmo prison, the culture of indefinite detention is institutionalized in the military.