Anti-Terror Rules Are Blocking Aid to Conflict Zones
Famines loom in countries like war-torn Yemen and Somalia, Syria, Iraq and aid workers can't reach everyone who needs help.
“No Muslim Ban Ever”: Organizers Hold Week of Resistance as Courts Debate Ban
The human impacts of the Muslim ban have been the focus of the New York Immigration Coalition's work since January.
Human Rights Groups: “Everyday Things Are Getting Worse” for Children in Yemen
Persistent attacks on health care in Yemen are severely impacting children's well-being.
Noam Chomsky: US Is the “Most Dangerous Country in the World“
“The interesting question will be how long Trump's constituency can fall for the con game.”
Trump Is Moving “Full Speed Ahead” in War in Yemen, Despite Massive Civilian Casualties
Last month, the US reportedly launched more than 49 strikes across Yemen — more strikes than the US has ever carried out in a single year in the country.
The US Provided Cover for the Saudi Starvation Strategy in Yemen
The Pentagon has been the main driver in the US policy of supporting the Saudi strategy of starvation in Yemen.
Donald Trump’s War Crimes
The Trump administration's war crimes include the indiscriminate bombings of schools, hospitals, homes and mosques.
Congress Members Call Out Trump for Violating War Powers as He Considers Pushing Yemen Into Famine
We can force Trump and Mattis to back down from taking this catastrophic step unilaterally.
Trump Expands US Military Role in Saudi War as Yemenis Brace for Famine
The US has reportedly launched more than 49 strikes across the country this month.
Reality and the US-Made Famine in Yemen
Building toward a time when our voices may unite and be heard, we must raise them now in crying out for the people of Yemen.