Pay Rent or Drink Water: The Human Rights Crisis in Detroit Escalates
Water shutoffs in Detroit have resumed, targeting the “most vulnerable and poorest” of the city's population, according to UN observers.
Chief Caleen Sisk: It’s All One Big Project
Tribal leaders and river and groundwater protection advocates on Monday, October 27, announced their strong opposition to Proposition 1, Governor Jerry Brown's controversial State Water Bond.
Goliath Gets Bigger: Prop. 1 War Chest Grows to $16.4 million
The big corporate money behind the water bond largely determines who the bond will benefit - billionaires, corporate agribusiness, oil companies and the 1 percent, not the people, fish …
Nature Conservancy Contributes $500,000 to Yes on Proposition 1 Campaign
Prop. 1 opponents find it even more disturbing to find out that the Nature Conservancy has joined a rogue's gallery of corporate interests that want to pass the $7.5 …
Gas Free Seneca Statement
We call on Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Congressman Tom Reed to step up, speak out, and help their constituents keep the Finger Lakes safe from heavy …
Contributions to Yes on Prop. 1 and 2 Campaigns Rise to Over $13 Million
As corporate interests continued to dump millions of dollars into the campaign coffers to pass the water bond, Redding area tribal leaders, river and groundwater protection advocates announced Friday …
The Home of the Free Speech Movement Suppresses Freedom of Speech
The Beehive Collective and the No on Prop. 1 coalition are currently on a tour of California, Sucked Dry: Examining Drought and Privatization from Mesoamerica to California, to bring …
Detroit: The Dispersal of Urban Black America Begins
With water shut-offs and forced foreclosures in Detroit, the Great Black Urban Dispersal is set to accelerate.
Marine Litter: Plunging Deep, Spreading Wide
Wastes released from dump-sites near the coast or river banks, the littering of beaches, tourism and recreational use of the coasts, fishing industry activities, ship-breaking yards, legal and illegal …
Massive Mongolian Mine Endangers Nomads’ Water, Way of Life
Water is not easy to come by in the Gobi.