Desalination Plants Are on the Rise — So Is Their Salty, Chemical Waste
The plants discharge 37 billion gallons of waste every day — enough in a year to cover Florida under one foot of brine.
Jump-Starting the Dam Removal Movement in the US
Removing unused dams is one of the most important things we can do for rivers and the ecosystems they support.
2019 Will Be a Big Year for Water
There will be new limits to the Clean Water Act, growing threats from climate change and aging infrastructure to fix.
Trump Guts Protections for 60 Percent of US’s Streams, Wetlands and Waterways
Trump is handing over our country to corporate polluters and other industrial interests.
Why Don’t Detroit Public Schools Have Safe Drinking Water?
Why on earth is there no nationwide requirement for water testing in schools?
A Fraction of the GOP Tax Cut Could End US’s Water Affordability Crisis
An estimated 15 million people in the US experienced a tap water shutoff in 2016 because of water's rising cost.
The Environment Is on the November Ballot — Here’s What’s at Stake and Where
A handful of statewide ballot initiatives will test whether states can effectively counter environmental rollbacks.
Tons of Plastic Trash Enter the Great Lakes Every Year — Where Does It Go?
Developing a complete picture of plastic pollution is crucial to finding solutions.
Battle for Water Rights Heats Up in El Salvador
Social movements fear politicians backed by big business are about to privatize El Salvador's already scarce water.
Wall Street Vultures Circle Puerto Rico’s Water System
Wall Street profiteers and corporate water operators seek to extract wealth.