As Millions Face Starvation, American-Made Bombs Are Killing Civilians
Special correspondent Jane Ferguson discusses her findings after embedding herself in Yemen.
Middle East Alliances, Old and New: Confronting “That Part of the World”
It’s time that real debate about future US policy in the Middle East becomes part of our world.
Commandos Sans Frontières: The Global Growth of US Special Operations Forces
Last year alone, US commandos deployed to 149 countries.
As NATO Summit Ends, We Must Resist Further Militarization
Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor and publisher of The Nation, discusses the militarization of US foreign policy.
Enough Bombs Bursting in Air. We Need to Love One Another.
On this day of national self-congratulation, I propose a project.
Today’s Refugee Crisis Is Blowback From US Dirty Wars in Central America
Human rights lawyer Jennifer Harbury discusses more.
Today’s War-Financing Strategies Will Only Increase Inequality
Today’s war-financing strategy is among the country’s most urgent fiscal challenges.
Girding for Confrontation: The Pentagon’s Provocative Encirclement of China
The US military is already setting the stage for an eventual confrontation with China.
Coalition Ignores Famine Warnings and Continues Assault on Yemen as Critics Question US Complicity
Antiwar advocates are demanding an end to American military support for the coalition.
Infinite War: The Gravy Train Rolls On
The American penchant for war will stretch on toward infinity.