War Crimes

New York Judge Renews Order Barring Drone Protesters From Air Base
A judge in DeWitt, New York, recently barred 17 activists from Hancock Air Base, where they were arrested last year during a protest over drones.

“How Do You Justify Killing a Grandmother?” Amnesty Says US Drone Strikes May Be War Crimes
Amnesty International has released a major new report on how US drone strikes kill civilians in Pakistan, where it says some deaths may amount to war crimes.

Why an Iraqi Single Mom Is Suing George W. Bush for War Crimes
Why an Iraqi single mom and a tech lawyer think they can prove the Iraq War was a crime of aggression under US law.

The Struggle Continues: Seeking Compensation for Vietnamese Agent Orange Victims, 52 Years On
Over fifty years after chemical warfare destroyed the lives of many Vietnamese, little to no compensation has been awarded to the victims of these war crimes.

1914 – 2014: Lessons Learned for Peace
Changing our modes of thinking to put the lessons of history into practice is necessary to assure our future.

Chelsea Manning’s Legal Duty to Expose War Crimes
Chelsea Manning had a duty under the Geneva Conventions to report war crimes exposed in the classified materials she leaked.

An Illegal Anniversary
The invasion of Iraq 10 years ago was illegal under international and US law. What's the implications?

Hillary Clinton’s Legacy as Secretary of State
Clinton's legacy has been one of continuing the policies of her predecessors in the Bush administration of opposing international law and human rights.

Vietnam: Resistance, Regret and Redemption
The scars of the Vietnam War span two continents and three generations.

Turning Their Back on Bradley Manning: Whistleblower Speaks, but Press Doesn’t Listen
After risking his life and freedom to expose the wrongdoing of the American military, it is the press' lack of attention to his case which threatens Bradley Manning's life …