Voting Rights
Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Policies Are a Voter Suppression Strategy
The GOP's vicious immigration policies seek to entrench white political power for generations.
15 States Have Already Taken Steps to Make the Electoral College Obsolete
Momentum is growing among state legislatures to award electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote.
Florida Law Throws Voter Rights Restoration Into Chaos
The new law makes it impossible for returning citizens to know whether they are eligible to vote.
Trump Gives Up Citizenship Question But Doubles Down on Terrorizing Immigrants
President Trump has finally given up his fight to ask people about their citizenship on the 2020 census.
Florida Makes Voting Restoration Contingent on Criminal Debt Payment
Any law restricting the re-enfranchisement of voters in Florida will only hinder the state.
Calling Trump’s Rationale “Contrived,” Supreme Court Halts Citizenship Question
The court's opinion confronted the Trump administration’s false justification for adding the citizenship question.
SCOTUS Hands GOP Gerrymandering Victory, Ensuring “Massive Election Rigging”
The Supreme Court decision is a GOP victory that allows extreme partisan gerrymandering to continue.
Supreme Court Ruling on Census Could Deal Grave Blow to Democracy
The Census Department estimated that 6.5 million people could remain uncounted if the citizenship question were added.
GOP Paid Millions to Operative Who Pushed Census Question Aimed to Help “Whites”
Thomas Hofeller, who devised the census citizenship question, was on the Republican Party payroll.
How Voter Suppression and Gerrymandering Cleared the Path for Abortion Bans
The widespread attack on abortion rights across the country is tied directly to voter suppression.