Heart of Darkness: Criminal Investigation of Wisconsin Recall Money
The post-Citizens United dark money showdown is underway in Wisconsin.
NLRB prosecutes Walmart
The National Labor Relations Board General Counsel is issuing a decision today to prosecute Walmart for its widespread violations of its workersu2019 rights.
Boeing Blackmails Washington Workforce on 777X Production
Boeing is threatening to move production of the huge new 777X out of Washington to avoid the union.
Democracy and the Detroit Election
Last week, voters in Detroit elected a new mayor, Mike Duggan, to carry on the work of the emergency managers and governor in rebuilding a u201cnew Detroit.u201d
Picket, Fight, and Win
Solidarity networks scale down to defend tenants and workers.
Seattle Suburb Passes Highest Minimum Wage in Country
David Rolf of SEIU helped organize SeaTac's Proposition 1 to provide $15/hour to hotel, restaurant, and airport workers.
California Probe of Campaign Donations Sheds Light on “Dark Money“
Tony Russo had a multimillion-dollar problem. The Republican consultant and his team had raised piles of cash to use in California politics as last November's election approached.
Auto Workers Try a New Angle at Volkswagen
The United Auto Workers, so long frustrated in their attempts to organize foreign-owned auto plants in the US, may have found a different way in.
Socialism and Sports
The world of organized sports is a microcosm of corporations vs. workers and community. This meme can also be exploited to our benefit.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Keith Alexander and James Clapper Answered Questions on Government Spying, and More
Keith Alexander and James Clapper answered questions on government spying, and more.