Unions Are at Their Lowest Levels in Decades: To Gain Power We Must Stop Following the Rules
Because activists tend to conflate our legal rights with our actual human rights, we doggedly pursue age-old strategies.
What Was Trumka Doing in Trump Tower?
If the head of the main US union federation thinks he can get Donald Trump to relate to labor as a “partner,” he's mistaken.
Fighting for Workers’ Rights Under Hostile Labor Laws: Insights From the Deep South
It's possible to fight for workers under a hostile “right-to-work” regime — but unions need to get more militant.
Trump’s Choice of Gorsuch Endangers Civil, Human and Environmental Rights
With Gorsuch on the bench, people of color, women and unions will see their hard-earned rights undermined.
Trump Touts “Pro-Worker” Agenda at Meeting With Union Leaders; Some Waiting for Proof
A look at who was in the room and who was not offers clues as to where the new administration might be headed.
Home Depot Cleaners Strike on Inauguration Day to Highlight Fight for Living Wages
Underpaid Home Depot cleaners struck on Inauguration Day to show that workers can take back power when they unite.
Labor Organizing in 2017: Looking Beyond Trump’s Lies on Jobs
Manufacturing became a source of good jobs only after angry working people united to fight the bosses and politicians.
At the Birthplace of Auto Workers’ Sit-Down Strikes, Locked Out for Eight Months and Counting
Workers have twice voted no on Honeywell's proposals to eliminate cost-of-living increases and retiree health care, freeze pensions and curtail overtime pay.
Breaking the Chains: Can Labor Unions Organize Retail Workers?
Retail is the nation's largest employer. But in recent decades, retail unionism has taken a steep fall.
Koch Astroturf Army Cheers Union Busting in Kentucky
The effort in Kentucky follows a playbook utilized by Team Koch in Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan and West Virginia.