Economic Update: How People Change Economies
This week's episode discusses Maine's progressive economic changes and more.
When Unions Lead Education Reform
How education can once again become the great equalizer?
Universalizing Resistance to Attacks on Labor
Workers must band together now.
Bracing for Anti-Labor Court Rulings, Unions Double Down on Organizing
The whole public sector will likely become “right to work” next year.
Workers Say NAFTA’s Neoliberal Foundations Need to Be Dismantled From the Left — Not the Right
A coalition of unions gathered in Chicago to discuss NAFTA.
Activists in Puerto Rico Want the Jones Act Eliminated — So Why Are Unions Defending It?
US-policy is only deepening the crisis in Puerto Rico.
Harvard Hopes Trump Will Help It Undermine Unions
The richest university in the world is asking the National Labor Relations Board to change how union elections are run.
The Right Wing Has a Vast, Secret Plot to Destroy Unions for Good. Here’s How to Fight Back
We need to greatly increase members' democratic involvement in their unions.
The Cure Worse Than the Disease: Expelling “Freeloaders” in an Open-Shop State
Labor reforms aimed at the “free-rider problem” are more likely to benefit employers than workers.
William Rivers Pitt | If I Had a Hammer…
Unions represent and fight for what the United States should be, and more importantly, serve as a vital bulwark against the atrocities of this country's early labor history.