Union Busting

Amazon Is Paying Consultants Nearly $10,000 a Day to Obstruct Union Drive
As workers in Alabama organize, the company’s tactics underscore the need for the Protecting the Right to Organize Act.

Amazon Is Fighting Hard to Stop Its Warehouse Workers From Unionizing
Amazon's union-busting tactics prompted 50 members of Congress to send the company a warning letter.

Workers’ Health Data Collected for COVID Safety Poses Risk to Labor Rights
Many of these technologies pose severe threats to workers' privacy and other fundamental rights.

Facebook and Its Big Tech Cronies Are Upgrading Their Anti-Union Tools
Facebook is the latest big tech company to join Google and Amazon in creating spyware to snoop on employee organizing.

Worker Surveillance Is on the Rise, and Has Its Roots in Centuries of Racism
High-tech corporate monitoring of workers today stems from the legacy of tracking enslaved workers in the 18th century.

Union Busting During a Pandemic Could Prove Lethal to Workers
Workers deserve safe workplaces, and unions give them a voice in determining their own work conditions.

House Passes Bill to Dramatically Strengthen the Power of Unions
The legislation would expand organizing rights to more workers and strengthen the right to strike.

The Multinational Trying to Bankrupt the Dock Workers Union Has a Sordid Past
The International Container Terminal Services profits off of war, misery and labor exploitation.

Trump Labor Board Escalates War on Workers’ Rights
To fight back, workers will have to reclaim the militancy that started the labor movement in the first place.

These Companies Promised to Be Socially Responsible While Pushing ALEC’s Agenda
Anthem, Chevron, FedEx, Pfizer and others attended an ALEC meeting shortly after signing a much-lauded ethics statement.