Tech “Solutions” Are Pushed by Fossil Fuel Industry to Delay Real Climate Action
Only a roadmap calling for a complete transition away from fossil fuels will avert the worst climate impacts.
K Street Sets Sights on New Semiconductor Policy Amid Global Shortage
Lobbyists working on behalf of 64 separate clients reported lobbying activity related to the Endless Frontier Act.
Biden Is Rejecting Trump’s Border Wall — But Favors His Own Technological Wall
A “smart” wall powered by artificial intelligence, facial recognition and drones may prove worse than a steel barrier.
The DOJ’s Antitrust Lawsuit Against Google Is Gaining Ground
Loss of consumer privacy is the price of Google’s monopoly, says the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Mitch Stoltz.
Employers Are Using Surveillance Tech to Spy on Remote Workers
We must ensure that the panÂdemÂic is not used as an excuse to worsÂen conÂdiÂtions for remote employÂees.
New Technologies Should Be Regulated by Government — Not by Those Who Profit
Efforts to revive Congress’s Office of Technology Assessment have been renewed to assess and control new technologies.
Schools Are Struggling to Avoid Worsening Inequity When They Reopen
One matter of dominant concern is how to re-engage with students who began working full-time after schools closed.
Post-COVID Economy May Have More Robots, Fewer Jobs and Intensified Surveillance
Millions who lost their jobs will not be reabsorbed into the labor force as technology takes over their former tasks.
Worker Surveillance Is on the Rise, and Has Its Roots in Centuries of Racism
High-tech corporate monitoring of workers today stems from the legacy of tracking enslaved workers in the 18th century.
Georgia’s History of Voter Suppression Shows Other States What Not to Do
Georgia was the first state to hand management of its elections over to a partisan, private company.