People Affected by Toxic Fuel Leak in Hawaii Now Face Taxes on Emergency Aid
Adding insult to injury, some residents are receiving tax bills for aid sent after the Navy contaminated their water.
Biden’s Budget Includes Tax Hikes Targeting Corporations and the Rich
While the plan still keeps corporate tax rates relatively low, progressives applauded the hikes as “long overdue.”
Biden Proposes Tax Hike on the Rich to Strengthen Medicare
The plan comes as Republicans attempt to exploit a debt ceiling standoff to secure long-sought cuts to federal programs.
Republicans Are Working on Making 70 the New Social Security Retirement Age
Republicans claim they don’t want to cut Social Security — but they’re working behind the scenes to do just that.
GOP Decries Debt While Introducing Bill to Make Trump Tax Cuts Permanent
The extension would deliver an average tax cut of $175,710 to the richest 0.1 percent, according to one estimate.
White House: The GOP’s Current Agenda Would Add $3 Trillion to National Debt
The administration says the GOP doesn’t actually care about the national debt, but rather wants to slash welfare.
Democrats Introduce Bill to Quadruple Corporate Stock Buyback Tax
The bill comes on the heels of a record year for corporate profits – and for stock buybacks.
Sanders Bill to Raise Teacher Pay Could Be Funded by Taxing Rich Estates
The senator will soon introduce legislation to set the minimum annual salary for U.S. public school teachers at $60,000.
Sanders-Warren Plan Would Expand Social Security by Taxing the Rich
The legislation is popular among all voters, who have consistently expressed opposition to cutting Social Security.
How the Wealthy Are Saving Billions in Taxes by Skirting a Century-Old Law
Goldman Sachs helped billionaires dodge taxes by selling stocks and replacing them with nearly identical investments.