Will Debate Moderators Hold GOP Candidates Accountable for Their Fantasy Tax Plans?
CNBC's John Harwood criticized GOP tax plans for pretending to be “Populist”.
US South Wages a Long War of Incentives, and Citizens Bear the Brunt
The South has continued using huge amounts of taxpayer money to entice corporations.
How Governments Are Helping Big Companies Pay Less Tax
Governments could have tackled corporate tax abuse, but instead ensured they didn't scare off investors to other tax regimes.
North Carolina Imposes New Taxes on Car and Appliance Repairs to Fund New Tax Cuts for the Rich
Fresh shots have been fired in North Carolina's Republican-led class war.
Donald Trump and the Federal Reserve Board
Donald Trump released his plan for changing the tax code.
With Federal Millions, “Wild West” of Charters Is About to Get Even Wilder
One thing seems certain: with the new millions in federal money for Ohio, the Wild West of charter schools, is going to see a gold rush.
Why Not Either Accept Corruption or Push for a Users’ Gratuity Tax Deduction?
Accepting that corruption is in most people's DNA or giving it a tax deduction could solve this silent crime.
Corporations Push for Giant Repatriation Tax Giveaway
Corporations are trying to push a huge, huge tax giveaway through Congress.
Salvatore Babones: Problem With Social Security Is Getting Rich to Pay Fair Share
Eric Poulin interviews the Truthout reporter about his new book, “Sixteen for '16: A Progressive Agenda for a Better America.”
Wall Street Sales Tax Moves Away From the Children’s Table
Those who are serious about reducing inequality support a FTT, the other politicians are sitting at the children's table.