As Paul Ryan Touts a Secretary’s $1.50 Weekly Pay Hike, Koch Brothers Reap $1.4 Billion From GOP Tax Plan
The GOP tax plan is worsening an already dramatic disparity.
Three Percent GDP Growth and Democrats’ Irresponsible Opposition to Trump Tax Cuts
Productivity is picking up for reasons that have nothing to do with the tax cut.
Dean Baker | State Employer-Side Payroll Taxes and Loser Liberalism
Will liberals just accept yet another massive defeat without a battle?
How Progressive States Could Fight Back Against the Republican Tax Scam
An employer-side payroll tax is a great way for progressive states to fight back.
GOP Tax Plan Ignites Widespread Confusion as Property Owners Rush for 2018 Payments
Taxpayers left in limbo over new deduction rules.
The GOP’s Tax Scam Is a Big Win for Investors in Mass Incarceration
Mass incarceration is about to get even more profitable.
William Rivers Pitt | Peace: A Christmas Present to Yourself
Peace and endurance will find justice one day.
The GOP Tax Bill Is an Attack on Those With Disabilities
CounterSpin interviews Rebecca Cokley, a senior fellow of disability policy at the Center for American Progress.
Though GOP Says Tax Plan Doesn’t Favor the Rich, Paul Ryan Ties Reforms to Welfare Cuts
The GOP has been calling for legislation that would add work requirements to food stamps and housing benefits.
William Rivers Pitt | They Cheered When This Tax Bill Passed: Always Remember That
When Trump signs this bill, he'll be signing a check to himself.