War on Syria: Twenty Pounds of Stupid in a Ten-Pound Bag
William Rivers Pitt has a novel idea: instead of attacking Syria, how about we don't attack Syria?
President Obama, Don’t Strike Syria Without Congressional Approval
The Constitution and the War Powers Resolution both say that absent an attack on the United States, Congress must approve military action before it takes place. If Congress doesn't …
Obama Convenes Saturday Meeting on Syria
President Obama will discuss allegations that the Syrian government used chemical weapons.
Why No Revolution Exists in Syria
The era of Arab Spring euphoria is long ended, having devolved into doubt, confusion or wholesale rejection.
Assad Opponents See US Distancing Itself from their Goals in Syria
Syrian opposition leaders say thereu2019s just one way to interpret the U.S. stalling on promised military aid while rebels lose ground: Goodbye, and good luck.
Getting Serious About Syria
The sad truth is that the nonviolent revolution was stolen from the Syrian people, who started their Arab Spring just as nonviolently as did Egyptians.
If They Can Lie About NSA/Snowden, They Can Lie About Syria and Iran
Regardless of what one thinks about NSA head Eric Clapper as an individual, if he can lie to Congress without consequence, we're in big trouble in terms of democracy …
Syria and the Monarchs: A Perfect Storm
The decision for the US to send small ammunition and arms to the Syrian rebels has cancelled any chance of us being neutral partners.
Syria Is Becoming Obama’s Iraq
The Obama administration thinks it has already invested too much military, financial, and diplomatic capital into the Syrian conflict to turn back, and each step forward brings the US …
Close to Combustion: Syrian Conflict Inflames Regional Refugee Crisis
Syria's neighboring countries are increasingly running out of resources to care for the masses of refugees.