Neighbors Turn Foes in Bekaa
Hezbollah clashes with Syrian rebels on the outskirts of Ersal seem to be widening the divide between residents of the Eastern Bekaa town.
Dahr Jamail | A Nation on the Brink: How US Policies Sealed Iraq’s Fate
In a searing analysis covering the ongoing disaster in Iraq, Dahr Jamail provides this current perspective on how the legacy of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq continues …
The Toxic Footprint of Syria’s War
Syria's ongoing civil war has already resulted in more than conservative estimates of 120,000 mortalities, including nearly 15,000 children.
Activist Yara Faris Released From Syrian Prison
Yara Faris was arrested on December 8, 2013 because she had provided food and assistance to Syrians displaced within their own country as a result of the three-year civil …
Sectarian Monster Reawakened: Redrawing the Map of Iraq, Again
“Labeiki ya Zaynab,” chanted Iraqi Shia fighters as they swayed, dancing with their rifles before TV news cameras in Baghdad on June 13. They were apparently getting ready for …
The President Has No Mandate to Bomb Iraq or Syria
At this writing, President Obama has neither the legal nor the political mandate to conduct airstrikes in Iraq or Syria.
Who Won Iraq? Lost Dreams, Lost Armies, Jihadi States and the Arc of Instability
As Iraq was unraveling last week, the possible outlines of the first jihadist state in modern history came into view.
ISIS Born From Occupation of Iraq, Not Syrian Civil War
Vijay Prashad: Although it's not clear where the Saudis stand in relation to ISIS, the group itself is a product of the Iraq War, and Western diplomats were in …
Former US Ambassador to Syria: Give Syrian Insurgents Manpads to Shoot Down Iranian Planes
If US weapons were used by Syrian insurgents to shoot down Iranian aircraft, under US supervision, then there would be no question who was behind the action: the US …
The New York Times: Everybody Who’s Anybody Wants to Bomb Syria
Why would the Obama administration want to get the United States more deeply involved militarily in Syria? Didn't US public opinion decisively reject this last fall?