ISIS vs. Ebola: A Blank Check to Bomb ISIS While Funding to Fight Ebola Is Slashed
A stunning disproportion in spending on ISIS versus Ebola crises highlights a fatal distortion in US priorities.
From Pol Pot to ISIS: US Bombing Puts “Anything That Flies on Everything That Moves“
Like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, ISIS is the mutation of a western state terror dispensed by a venal imperial elite undeterred by the consequences of actions taken …
ISIS in Washington: The United States’ Soundtrack of Hysteria
“Amid the waves of fear and continual headlines about terror plots, we, the people, have now largely been relegated to the role of frightened spectators.”
The Late Triumph of the Bush-Bin Laden Dance
Osama Bin Laden explicitly described his terror tactics as drawing the US, and the West generally, into an endless war.
Jeremy Scahill on Obama’s Orwellian War in Iraq: We Created the Very Threat We Claim to Be Fighting
Author Jeremy Scahill talks about how the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 helped create the threat now posed by the Islamic State.
Here’s Everything Wrong With the White House’s War on the Islamic State
The Obama administration's war plans in Iraq and Syria are illegal, ill-conceived, and destined to fail.
Military Firms Likely to Benefit From Airstrikes in Iraq, Syria
With US and allied aircraft now bombing Islamic State and Al Qaeda positions in Iraq and Syria, many analysts foresee a boost to bottom lines for munitions manufacturers, weapons …
Ellsberg Sees Vietnam-Like Risks in ISIS War
Daniel Ellsberg, the former Defense Department official who leaked the Pentagon Papers exposing the Vietnam War lies, is alarmed at the many parallels between Vietnam and President Obama's new …
Why the Surge in Islamic State Recruitment?
According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, recruitment has soared within ISIS/IS since the US-led coalition began their bombing campaign in the region.
Did We Really Create ISIS?
It has been alleged in many online circles that Western powers and their allies created ISIS, which a US-led coalition is now battling in Syria. How accurate is this …