
How Did Syria Get Here?
Wars may be how Americans learn geography, but do they always learn the history of how the geography was shaped by wars?

Once a Top Booster, Ex-US Envoy No Longer Backs Arming Syrian Rebels
An ambassador has dropped his call to provide weapons to rebels.

Dear Syria: From One Refugee to Another
Dear Syrian refugee, it has been 66 years and counting since my people's dispossession began. We are yet to return, but that is a battle for my children, and …

Syria: the Way Forward, Without Illusions
From the beginning, it was inevitable that this conflict, however it began, would morph into a proxy war between Iran and those who were deeply concerned by Iran's …

Are Assad’s Days Numbered?
Bashar al-Assad will eventually become the target of the US campaign against ISIS in Syria.

In Praise of Buffer States
Buffer states keep armies apart and allow important regional countries to trade in peace.

Intervention in the Islamic State Increasingly Messy
President Obama's alliance aims to degrade and destroy the Islamic State, but US allies are acting in their own self-interests.

Rise of IS Brings Turkey’s Rabid Rejection of Kurdish Rights to Fore
The emergence of the PKK as a deterrent to the Sunni jihadists and the Islamic State has led to discomfort in the West.

This Week Senate Democrats Can Limit the ISIS War
Voting to prohibit the use of US ground troops should be a no-brainer for Democrats.

Former al-Qaeda Hostage Recounts Nightmare – of Dealing With FBI
The only thing as bad as being tortured for months as a captive of jihadists in Syria was dealing with the US government afterward.