
The Day We Fight Back: Activism Sweeps the Internet with Global Action Against Mass Surveillance
Today privacy advocates are holding one of their biggest online actions so far with “The Day We Fight Back Against Mass Surveillance.”

Snowden on the Dangers of the ‘Privatized’ National Security State, in the Interview the US ‘News’ Networks Didn’t Bother to Show You
Officials were required to offer absolutely no evidence for their extraordinary claims that Snowden was a “Russian agent” on the three major broadcast networks.

Death by Metadata: Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald Reveal NSA Role in Assassinations Overseas
In the first expose for their new venture, First Look Media's digital journal The Intercept, investigative journalists Jeremy Scahill and Glenn Greenwald reveal the National Security Agency is using …

Henry A. Giroux | Totalitarian Paranoia in the Post-Orwellian Surveillance State
Henry A. Giroux: The NSA and other intelligence agencies work hard to create an authoritarian state in which the “electronic self” becomes public property.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Four Thousand Organizations Are Fighting Back Against Internet Surveillance, and More
These programs and rulings are violating our civil rights, but they're also waking the sleeping giant of progressive activists.

GAP Promotes Privacy Statement for All Emails to Protest Mass Surveillance Revealed by Whistleblower Edward Snowden
GAP champions government and corporate accountability and transparency by defending whistleblowers and advancing occupational free speech.

Privacy Activists’ Nuclear Option: Suing Oakland Over Spy Center’s Nuclear Weapons Contractors
Oakland's Domain Awareness Center could be in violation of the California city's Nuclear Free Zone ordinance.

Selling Your Secrets: The Invisible World of Software Backdoors and Bounty Hunters
It's increasingly clear that the online world is, for both government surveillance types and corporate sellers, a new Wild West where anything goes.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Internet Companies Are Fighting to Restore Public Trust, and More
In the wake of the NSA spying scandal, corporations like Google, Yahoo, and Facebook wanted to release details on internet surveillance, and more.

Vermont Becomes 12th State With Legislation Targeting NSA Spying
Last week, a trio of Vermont legislators introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act to prohibit any state support of the NSA's gathering of citizens' electronic data or metadata in …