
Is It Time for a New Church Committee?
The out-of-control nature of our national security agencies today is our new “national nightmare,” and the only way to wake up is to create a new Church Commission, which …

Chris Hedges | Edward Snowden’s Moral Courage
Chris Hedges: Moral courage is always defined by the state as treason.

Documents Reveal NSA and GCHQ Efforts to Destroy Assange and Track Wikileaks Supporters
Michael Ratner: Documents show the US engaged in major attacks against journalists, publishers, and whistleblowers, as a UK court upholds the legality of David Miranda's detention at Heathrow airport.

Oakland Privacy Group Oakland Protesters Fight Spy Center Vote by City Council
The DAC is a proposed, $10.9M Department of Homeland Security-funded, 24/7 surveillance center, which has generated a firestorm of press.

Documenting Darkness: How a Thug State Operates
Shadow government has conquered 21st-century Washington. We have the makings of a thug state of the first order.

The History of Surveillance and the Black Community
The NSA revelations show the urgent need to reform the laws governing surveillance and to rein in the intelligence community.

Chris Hedges | Our Sinister Dual State
Chris Hedges: Those who wield unchecked power over the citizenry live in “the prerogative state,” and the masses trapped in their totalitarian structure live in “the normative state.”

Debate: Was Snowden Justified? Former NSA Counsel Stewart Baker Vs. Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg
Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez host a debate on former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden and his disclosure of the massive spying apparatus the NSA operates in the …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: West Virginia Is Dealing With Another Coal-Related Toxic Spill, and More
West Virginia is dealing with another coal-related toxic spill, and people are finding out the hard way about the real dangers of fossil fuels.

US Plummets in Global Press Freedom Rankings
According to a new report from Reporters Without Borders, there was a profound erosion of press freedom in the United States in 2013.