
US Senate Passes CISA, a “Cybersecurity” Bill Critics Say Will Expand Mass Surveillance
The landslide Senate vote in favor of CISA came after multiple attempts spanning five years.

Is the Digital Revolution Sowing the Seeds of a Techno-Fascist Future?
The widespread benefits of the digital revolution are hiding the totalitarian potential of an electronically connected world.

France’s Government Aims to Give Itself – and the NSA – Carte Blanche to Spy on the World
By legalizing France's own plans to spy on the rest of the world, France would take a step to establishing the NSA model as an acceptable global norm.

How Did the Peruvian Government Legalize Mass Surveillance of Its People?
Peru cannot be alone in this fight.

UK High Court Rules Surveillance Law Unconstitutional in Groundbreaking Case
Lord Justice Bean and Mr Justice Collins criticized the terms under which communications data can be intercepted.

Documents Published by WikiLeaks Reveal the NSA’s Corporate Priorities
Top-secret intercepts show that economic spying by the US is pervasive, and that it's wielded to benefit powerful corporate interests.

PETA: SeaWorld Employee Infiltrated Animal Rights Group
PETA has accused the popular animal theme park SeaWorld of infiltrating its organization.

The End of Encryption? NSA and FBI Seek New Backdoors
The FBI and GCHQ have said they need access to encrypted communications to track criminals and terrorists.

Henry A. Giroux | Orwell, Huxley and the Scourge of the Surveillance State
As more people consent to government and corporate collection of personal data, there is widespread collective indifference to the growth of the surveillance state.

Protest Is the New Terror: How US Law Enforcement Is Working to Criminalize Dissent
The fear of terrorism has allowed police to resurrect COINTELPRO in all but name.