Supreme Court
What the Defamation of Anita Hill Can Teach Us About the Kavanaugh Hearings
Historian Barbara Ransby discusses the story of Anita Hill in light of accusations against Brett Kavanaugh.
Dr. Blasey Ford’s High School Alums Demand FBI Investigate Kavanaugh
Holton-Arms School alumna Alexis Goldstein discusses how survivors' voices should be heard.
Second Sexual Assault Allegation Intensifies Opposition to Kavanaugh
Republicans are trying to move ahead with Kavanaugh's confirmation despite serious allegations against him.
Nationwide Walkout Planned to Show Solidarity With Sexual Assault Survivors
Thousands of people across the country have pledged to walk out of their workplaces and schools on Monday.
Does #MeToo Have the Power to Take Down a Supreme Court Nominee?
How might Christine Blasey Ford fare against Brett Kavanaugh in the age of #MeToo?
Chuck Grassley Is “Unfazed and Determined” to Confirm Kavanaugh
The comments bolster the complaint by many critics who say this process has been a bad-faith effort by Republicans.
Kavanaugh’s Hearings Have an Unprecedented Level of Secrecy
CounterSpin interviews Richard Kim on Brett Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh Poses a Threat to Asian American and Pacific Islander Women
This fast-growing voting bloc has vowed to hold accountable all who vote to confirm the Supreme Court nominee.
Nomination by Death Threat: Picking a Justice in the Age of Trump
Death threats: how we choose Supreme Court justices today.
Supreme Court Decision on Dark Money Will Tell Us Who Is Funding Our Elections
Any group or individual must now disclose the identities of all contributors who gave more than $200 in a year.