Supreme Court
Kavanaugh Hearings Showcase GOP’s White Male Persecution Complex
Republican senators have sought to cement themselves as the saviors of aggrieved white male wrongdoers.
ACLU Formally Opposes Kavanaugh Despite Being Nonpartisan
Louise Melling, deputy legal director at the ACLU, discusses more.
High School Slang With Brett Kavanaugh
Sure, Brett. If you say so.
If the FBI Probe Doesn’t Stop Kavanaugh, the People’s Fury Must
The Senate hearings on Brett Kavanaugh have transformed US politics.
Judge Brett Kavanaugh Has Lied Every Time He Has Testified Under Oath
Ex-Senate aide Lisa Graves discusses more.
How Society Embraces Male Denials, From Clarence Thomas to Brett Kavanaugh
Kimberlé Crenshaw, the professor of law who assisted Anita Hill’s legal team, discusses more.
Trump Accused of Rigging FBI’s Kavanaugh Probe by Imposing “Outrageous” Limits
The move has been denounced as a flagrant attempt to further rig the process in Kavanaugh's favor.
Grassroots Effort to “Defeat Brett Kavanaugh Once and for All” Intensifies
Progressive opponents of the right-wing judge moved to take advantage of the “new opportunity for pressure.”
Blasey Ford Is “100 Percent Positive” Brett Kavanaugh Attempted to Rape Her
Excerpts from Thursday's Senate Committee hearing.
Blasey Ford, White Male Privilege and the Reckoning to Come
With Kavanaugh, the GOP is trying to save the patriarchy.