Supreme Court
Supreme Court Declines to Revisit Citizens United
In a brief unsigned decision, the Supreme Court on Monday declined to have another look at its blockbuster 2010 campaign finance decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.
The Court’s Stand for Federalism
Even more gratifying is the court's reinforcement of an obvious principle: The federal government has the responsibility for setting immigration policy, not the states. We do not need — …
Supreme Court Upholds Key Part of Arizona Law
The Supreme Court on Monday rejected much of Arizonau2019s tough new immigration law but allowed one key provision to stand, saying federal law did not pre-empt the state's instruction …
Will We Love the Health Care Law if It Dies?
“Obamacare” isn't about President Obama. It's about beginning to bring an end to the scandal of a very rich nation leaving so many of its citizens without basic health …
Metaphor and Health Care: On the Power to Make Metaphor Into Law
The argument is that if the government can force you to buy one product, it can force you to buy any product - even broccoli.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Corporate Oligarchy Trumps the Public Option, and More
Thom Hartmann talks the supreme court's recent decision (or lack thereof), European austerity, Fast and Furious documents scandal, and more.
If High Court Upholds Arizona’s SB 1070, Priests and Rabbis Could Be Prosecuted for Providing Humanitarian Aid
While supporters and opponents rush to opine on the civil rights implications of the court's decision, few appreciate the serious risks to church autonomy and people of conscience.
The Supreme Court Should Rule With the People
Six years after Massachusetts enacted the state version of Obamau2019s health law, the people of Massachusetts are not happy. According to a June 11th poll in Massachusetts, 78% …
A Back Door to the Public Option
The fact is, thereu2019s enough the public likes about Obamacare that if the Court strikes down the individual mandate that wonu2019t be the end. It will just be the …
Congress Should Restore US Investors’ Rights to Take Foreign Fraudsters to Court  Â
It is time for Congress to overturn a misguided, anti-consumer Supreme Court decision that eliminated US investors' ability to take action in US courts against foreign companies that defraud …