Supreme Court

The True Costs of Mass Incarceration
Alabama lawyer Bryan Stevenson speaks about issues of age and race in our justice system.

Wisconsin Organizations Push for Election Transparency
A coalition of Wisconsin organizations, including the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), have asked state legislators to hold hearings on the need for greater transparency and accountability for …

The Election Reflects America’s Conservative Era
This year's presidential campaign is taking place within an extremely conservative era in American political history that will substantially influence the domestic and foreign priorities of the next administration, …

The Selling of American Democracy: The Perfect Storm
The greatest concentration of wealth in more than a century u2014 courtesy u201ctrickle-downu201d economics, Reagan and Bush tax cuts, and the demise of organized labor. Combined with unlimited …

The Face of “Reasonable Suspicion”: Arizona’s Freedom Summer Continues
Iconic images are usually reserved for momentous occasions and as such, Arizona, the land of political extremism, is also beginning to produce similar imagery.

Immigration, Racism and the Supreme Court
In a victory for those who support a humane immigration policy, the Court overturned three sections of SB 1070: Arizona cannot criminalize unlawful presence in the United States, or …

The GOP’s Redonkulous Alternative to the Affordable Care Act
The U.S. Supreme Courtu2019s affirmation of the Affordable Care Act predictably brought renewed calls from Republicans to restrict medical malpractice litigation. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), for instance, …

Are Stereotypes About Southern Europeans Fueling Austerity Rhetoric?
You donu2019t have to be an ultra-conservative to fear seeing America turn into one of those Mediterranean lands. No doubt itu2019s a prospect that disturbs plenty of Americans across …

Americans for Prosperity Rally Calls for “Nullifying” Health Care Law (With Help From ALEC)
The evening after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Wisconsin chapter of the Koch-funded Americans for Prosperity held a "Hands Off My …

How Scalia Distorts the Framers
In rejecting the Commerce Clause as the constitutional foundation for the Affordable Care Act, the Supreme Courtu2019s right-wing justices distorted Americau2019s founding narrative, including one made-up view attributed to …