Supreme Court

Protests Grow over Clerk’s Denial of Same-Sex Marriages
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis stopped issuing all marriage licenses.

Washington Supreme Court Rules All SeaTac Workers Be Paid $15 Minimum Wage
SeaTac became the nation's first city to enact the minimum wage.

Could Scott Walker’s Legal Victory Expand PAC Superpowers?
A Wisconsin ruling about the governor's recall campaign could carry seeds of another “Citizens United.”

Welcome Back to Smoke-Filled, Back-Room Politics
People, not party insiders or billionaire plutocrats, should pick our presidents.

Michigan Supreme Court Upholds Right-to-Work Law, Takes Workers Back to the Gilded Age
On Thursday, the Michigan Supreme Court turned back the hands of time and thwarted workers' union protections.

A Supreme Threat to US Democracy
We're one judge away from government of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations.

To Limit Housing Discrimination, Close Affordable Housing Loopholes
In cities, some affordable housing policies are not sustainable, and are really only affordable for a select few.

“Equality Is Far From at Hand”: A Conversation With the Authors of “Queer (In)Justice“
Truthout speaks with the authors of “Queer (In)Justice” about what, if anything, has changed in the years since its release.

Unions Must Act Now to Survive Supreme Court Deathblow
Although the Supreme Court is expected to be anti union, there is still time to change the Court's mind.

Supreme Court Decision on Same-Sex Marriage Will Resonate Globally
The US decision on same sex marriage will bolster the work of activists, but it will pose some challenges.