South Korea

More US Pressure on North Korea Is Not the Path to Denuclearization
U.S. policies are worsening North Korea's humanitarian crisis with no effect on its nuclear weapons program.

Women Must Be Central to Negotiating the US-Korea Peace Process
From Liberia to Northern Ireland, women's groups have been instrumental in the signing of lasting peace agreements.

Despite Collapse of Trump-Kim Summit, Diplomacy Is Still the Only Path
U.S., regional and global security depends upon a peaceful resolution to the Korean War, which never ended.

To Secure Peace Between the Koreas, US Must Declare an End to the War
The US and its Korean military operations are the biggest roadblocks to peace on the Korean peninsula.

Media, Hardliners Play Up North Korean Nuclear “Deception” Claim
Evidence suggests that some Trump officials want to derail the US-North Korea negotiations.

Winning the News Cycle: Trump’s Made-for-TV Singapore Summit
Peace in our time? Or just a waste of our time?

Historically, the Biggest Violator of Human Rights on the Korean Peninsula Isn’t North Korea
The US is to blame for the most abhorrent abuses.

Seventy Years After Korea’s Division, Women Lead Push for Peace
This week, the Korean peace makers were joined by an international delegation of women peace activists for a symposium focused on ending the Korean War. A women's peace walk …

Playing Trump for Peace: How the Korean Peninsula Could Become a Global Bright Spot
Let Trump preen so he can get out of the way of the real work.

North Korea to Close Nuclear Test Site, Change Clocks to Match South
The moves will bring the world one step closer to a nuclear-free Korean peninsula.