Social Security

Trump Admin Wants to Cut Social Security in Exchange for Direct COVID Payments
During his 2016 presidential run, Trump promised to shield Social Security and Medicare from cuts.

Demanding Tax Cut in Next Stimulus Package, Trump Holds COVID Relief Hostage
The payroll tax cut would undermine Social Security and Medicare funding and offer no relief for 30 million unemployed.

Trump Against Additional COVID-19 Relief, Backs Cuts to Social Security Instead
Trump has expressed interest in slashing payroll taxes, which fund Social Security and Medicare.

People With Disabilities Face Greater Risk of Economic Devastation From COVID-19
We need an economic stimulus aimed at ensuring people with disabilities are not thrust even further into poverty.

Trump Doubles Down on Plan to Slash Crucial Funding for Social Security
Yesterday Trump called once again for slashing the payroll tax -- the primary funding mechanism for Social Security.

Experts Say Trump Is Exploiting Coronavirus Crisis to Attack Social Security
Economists say Trump's proposal to cut the payroll tax is “a Trojan Horse attack” on Social Security.

Sanders: Trump’s Latest Vow to Cut Social Security Exposes Biden’s Vulnerability
Sanders argued Democrats must nominate a candidate with a consistent record of defending Social Security -- not Biden.

Trump Wants to Inflict Severe Pain on Disabled Community Just Because He Can
Under Trump’s recent proposal, fewer people will be able to collect disability benefits.

Trump Says His Budget Doesn’t Cut Social Security — But Mnuchin Admits It Does
The treasury secretary's comments came days after Trump said that he is “not touching” the program.

Trump’s Social Security Changes Pose Dire Threat to Rural Disabled People
The need to travel to a Social Security office or court can be a barrier for people who lack access to transportation.