Social Security
Why Seniors — Not CEOs — Deserve a Raise
This isn't just an argument about math.
Hillary Clinton, Corporate America and the Democrats’ Dilemma
Hillary Clinton's candidacy is an example of corporate power attempting to define the range of acceptable opinion in the US.
Working Until It’s Time for Your Grave
Like many Americans, my mom has no retirement savings.
For Most People in the World, Retirement Is Not an Option
Except for the well off, men and women should expect to continue working well beyond normal pensionable retirement ages.
The Federal Reserve Board’s 8 Percent Hike in the Social Security Tax
The intensity of a debate over a tax increase of 0.2 percentage points should have people wondering why candidates aren't talking about a much larger tax increase imposed by …
A Tale of Two Retirements
One hundred CEOs have as much in retirement assets as 41 percent of American families.
Bipartisan Budget Deal Averts Devastating Cuts but Lets Pentagon Sidestep Caps
If the budget deal is approved, a new Pentagon slush fund would enable the military budget to rise even further above legislated caps.
Protect Social Security Disability Insurance Without Cutting Benefits
For millions of Americans, these earned benefit programs are crucial lifelines that ensure a basic sense of economic security.
Trumping the Federal Debt Without Playing the Default Card
How can the US remain strong with very little debt, without defaulting on Social Security, Medicare or the federal debt itself?
Social Security Still Strong at 80
Social Security is one of the most popular and successful government programs in US history.