
Don’t Feed The Debt-Ceiling Trolls
As conservative right-wing politicians continue to bring down our economy by refusing to raise the debt-ceiling limit, maybe the answer is simply to call their bluff.

The Financial War Against the Economy at Large
Michael Hudson continues his analysis of America's economic collapse and the myth of the fiscal cliff.

Our Deficit Debate’s “Sick Secret” Is Killing Us … Literally
Debt is America's illness, and worse than the disease, is our leader's refusal to even admit that we are suffering.

Filibuster Day Of Action Thursday – Call Senators
Help join the Fix the Senate and Fix the Filibuster movements and demand justice in the Senate today!

An Ugly Deal
A final deal has been reached between Senate and President Obama in regards to the fiscal cliff, and while it is victory in some ways, it is failure …

Senators to Return With Five Days Left and No Clear Fiscal Path
Despite an urgent warning from the Treasury Department, the Senate returns today with no clear path toward's our nation's fiscal future.

Hawaii Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz Tapped to Succeed Sen. Daniel Inouye
Gov. Neil Abercrombie has appointed Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz to replace Daniel K. Inouye in the U.S. Senate, opting against Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, whom the late senator had wanted …

The Terrible Cost of Not Fixing the Filibuster Sooner
Senate Democrats didnu2019t take on the filibuster head-on, so now obstruction is the expected norm.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: A Movement in the US Senate Aims to Abolish Indefinite Detention, and More
As the so-called fiscal cliff nears, Republicans will likely hold things like extended unemployment benefits hostage.

Curbing Filibuster Abuse
A new report shows empirical evidence of how rampant filibuster abuse continues to cause an unprecedented lack of legislative productivity.