
The Billionaire Class Is Terrified That Russ Feingold Will Return to the Senate
The very rich are spending very heavily to prevent the return of a very serious reformer to the Senate.

Environmentalists Want Your Help Building a Climate Congress
A group of Californians are trying to crowdsource a Wiki on the environmental stances of candidates for the US House and Senate.

Electoral College Follies: How Tim Kaine or Mike Pence Could Become Our Next President
It's time we abandoned the Electoral College for a free, unmediated democracy like a majority of the world's nations.

Wells Fargo Shows Need to Break Up Banks
Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf appeared before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday and some are questioning if the firm should even legally exist.

Lessons From the 2006 Midterms: Will Democrats Disappoint Again?
Unlike in 2006, grassroots groups today have more power to hold Democrats accountable for their election promises.

2016 From the Top Down: Trump Looms Over Down-Ticket Races
On the presidential end, the situation couldn't be more stark. Plus, Trump is having a definite effect on the Senate races.

For the Senate, Transparency Is a Slow Process
When it comes to campaign-finance disclosure, Congress' upper chamber might as well be using carrier pigeons.

Wall Street’s Veto Power: Why Warren Is Unlikely to Be Clinton’s Running Mate
Democrats depend on Wall Street money as much as they depend on votes.

CIA Watchdog “Mistakenly” Destroys Its Sole Copy of Senate Torture Report
Following a long battle to release the probe, some worry that the report could vanish altogether.

Kochs’ Americans for Prosperity, Club for Growth Shell Out to Rescue Ron Johnson
The Kochs have worked for decades to undermine limits on political spending.