Saudi Arabia

Dark Saudi-Israeli Plot to Tip the Scales in Syria
The Saudis and the Turks are scaling up their support for Syrian jihadists while the Israelis contemplate a new war with Hezbollah.

Sunni Alliances Trump Obama Administration Terrorism Concerns in Syria
The US military bases located in Sunni nations remain more important to US policy makers than addressing terrorist threats.

Fears for Juveniles and Activist in Line for Saudi Execution
Saudi Arabia has been urged to spare the lives of two juveniles and an ageing political activist.

Is Saudi Arabia Now the Israel of the Gulf?
Saudi Arabia is a habitual aggressor in its neighborhood, enabled by the US.

The Salman Doctrine Could Singe Pakistan
The Saudi royal reshuffle is bad news for Pakistan.

Two US Citizens Participate in Iranian Peace Boat to Stop Saudi Attacks on Yemen
The ship will sail into the Persian Gulf to protest attacks by Saudi Arabia.

Human Rights Watch: Saudi-Led Coalition Bombing Yemen With Banned US-Made Cluster Munitions
Cluster bombs are banned under a 2008 treaty for the high civilian toll they can cause.

The Day After Damascus Falls
The Saudi-Israeli alliance is ramping up a “regime change” war in Syria.

US-Backed Saudi War in Yemen Continues as Aid Groups Describe “Catastrophic” Humanitarian Crisis
Warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition struck Yemeni cities.

Did Money Seal Israeli-Saudi Alliance?
The Saudis reportedly gave Israel some $16 billion.