Thousands March for Water Rights in Detroit
On Friday, July 18, thousands of people marched through downtown Detroit to call attention to a major public health crisis as the city shuts off the water for residents …
Hong Kong’s Occupy Central Pushes for “Genuine Democracy“
Hundreds are set to occupy Hong Kong's government and financial district to push for “genuine democracy.”
Greek Cleaners Become Symbols of Resistance
Instead of becoming a living example for Europe to see the Greek government's ability to force austerity measures, the cleaners have become a paradigm for resistance.
A National Call: Come to Detroit, Link Arms to Stop the Water Shut Offs and Fight for Democracy
After thousands have had their water shut off in Detroit, people plan to protest the human rights violation and privatization that has ensued since the Wall Street-engineered financial crisis.
Grandmother Sentenced to One Year in Prison After Protest at US Drone Base
In New York, a peace activist and grandmother has been sentenced to a year in prison for her role in peaceful protests at a base where US drones are …
4,000 March in New York City for Palestine
New York City was one of many cities who held emergency protests in support of Palestine on Wednesday as Israeli jets continue to pound the Gaza Strip.
Gustavo Esteva With Brad Evans | Violence and Hope in Chiapas: Pedagogies by the Globally Oppressed
The Zapatista "struggle is our struggle, everywhere, in every city, in every country of the world. We are in a very difficult moment, in a terrible moment of humankind, …
World Leaders Honor Chico Mendes’ Fight for Environmental and Land Rights
Environmental activist leaders from around the world and their supporters met in Washington, DC, to discuss land grabs and other issues, continuing the work of assassinated activist Chico Mendes.
Repressing World Cup Protests – a Booming Business for Brazil
World Cup and related economic protests occurring across the country are bringing in big profits for Rio-based company Condor Nonlethal Technologies.
Real, Real Comrades: What 43+ Years of Prison Mean to Eddie Conway and Paul Coates
Marshall Eddie Conway and Paul Coates talk about how they met in Baltimore's Black Panther Party and maintained solidarity and friendship for 43 years after Conway was framed, convicted …