Mass Incarceration, the Presidential Race and the Politics of Respectability
Some organizers fear electoral and respectability politics could stifle the movement against mass incarceration.
Will the Supreme Court Free Albert Woodfox After 43 Years in Solitary?
Still in prison despite overturned conviction, Angola 3 member seeks justice from the nation's highest court.
Runaway Inequality Is Ripping Us Apart
Les Leopold, author of “Runaway Inequality,” discusses how progressives can form a united movement against income inequality.
All Eyes on San Francisco: Stopping the Expansion of the Prison Industrial Complex, One Jail at a Time
San Francisco is positioned to set an example for the rest of California.
Smear Tactics Backfire on CEO of Prison Phone Company
A prison phone company CEO scolded a young woman for protesting the high prices she pays to talk to her incarcerated father.
Higher Education Is a Key to Decarceration: Let’s Pass the REAL Act
College education is a gateway to shrinking our prison population and empowering formerly incarcerated people and those behind bars.
As Many Americans Have Criminal Records as College Diplomas
So many Americans have a criminal record that counting them all is nearly impossible.
Can Cities End the School-to-Prison Pipeline? Relentless Organizers Are Tallying Wins
We have always said that this is a battle of imagination over incarceration, said Senait Brown.
In Defense of Keith LaMar
This man stood in front of us saying he should get to kill our loved one because Bomani's lawyers didn't predict the future.
The Real Meaning of the FBI Director’s Comment on Viral Videos and Crime
The FBI Director's comment that viral videos have led to an increase in crime may instead indicate that police are on strike.