Presidential Debates

That Was Not a Debate. That Was a Warning. This Nation Is Not Well.
Disappointments from Biden wither to ash before the blast furnace of Trump's brazen, shameless, racist fascism.

Trump’s Refusal to Condemn Proud Boys at Debate Reflects His Electoral Strategy
Trump “has long had an unspoken alliance with them,” counter-far right researcher and activist Spencer Sunshine said.

Tonight’s Debate May Have Little Effect on Trump’s Base But It Will Affect Biden
Tonight may decide whether we face a protracted post-election mudfight, which could be averted through a landslide.

Private Police at Hospital Hosting Trump-Biden Debate Mostly Arrest Black People
Even though most hospital employees, patients and visitors are white, Black people are disproportionately charged.

The First 2020 Presidential Debate Needs to Address Wealth and Income Inequality
In these days of despair over democracy, we desperately need to discuss how economically unequal we have become.

Topics for the First Debate Announced — Here’s How Trump, Biden Poll on Them
While polls show a clear preference for one candidate, Americans aren't confident on who they think will end up winning.

The Democratic Debates Need More Questions About Nuclear War
Democratic candidates desperately need to articulate their plans to avert a nuclear crisis.

We Need Independently Run Presidential Debates
CNN took an approach to the debates more befitting a football game than an exercise in democracy.

Presidential Debates Reflect All That Is Wrong With Dominant Media
The shallowness of the debates is designed to serve the financial interests of Big Media and its wealthy patrons.

Democratic Debates Were Depth-Free. Will Future Rounds Be Better?
Many of the candidates were jockeying for prominence in promoting Bernie Sanders’s ideas.