Police Violence
Angelenos Take to the Streets for Ezell Ford, Omar Abrego and Ferguson Solidarity
While standing in solidarity with Ferguson and outraged over police killings of people of color, Los Angeles protesters express weariness over the continuous violations of their rights and fear …
Ferguson Exposes the Reality of Militarized, Racist Policing
This is a teachable moment for the nation that presents an opportunity to transform policing so it serves the people.
Dancing While Lying Dead in the Street
The history of the US has taught us that Black life has not always been valued and now we are being reminded of that.
Henry A. Giroux: The Militarization of Racism and Neoliberal Violence
Michael Brown's killing by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri is symptomatic of “the neoliberal killing machine” that's emerging all over the world.
Itemizing Atrocity
For blacks, the “war on terror” hasn't come home. It's always been here.
Michael Brown and the United States’ Structural Violence Epidemic
Disproportionality in police use of force against Black Americans persists and cannot be tolerated.
At Chicago’s “National Moment of Silence” Vigil, Activist Confronts “Black-on-Black Crime” Rhetoric
Malcolm London speaks at Daley Plaza during the Ferguson vigil on Thursday, August 14.
Armed With Military-Grade Weapons, Missouri Police Crack Down on Protests Over Michael Brown Shooting
The Missouri town of Ferguson looks like a war zone as police fire tear gas, stun grenades and smoke bombs to break up a fifth night of protests over …
Another Another Night of Violence in Ferguson, Governor Relieves Local Police
Police presence in Ferguson has been described as creating a near war-zone-like atmosphere.
The Killing of Michael Brown: Missouri Police Shooting of Unarmed Black Teen Sparks Days of Protests
Protesters in St. Louis, Missouri, are demanding justice in a police shooting that killed an unarmed African-American teen.