Police Violence
The Fallacy of Right-Wing Appeals to Race in Criminal Justice Reform
Ferguson and cities across the world took to the streets in continued protest of the police homicide of Mike Brown and a seemingly endless list of mostly young Black …
Black and White
Revelations of “Postracial” Ferguson
“Postracial” Ferguson reveals much about the attempt to erase race, along with police and other structural violence, from public reference.
Watchdog Group Files DOJ Complaint Against Dallas Police, Alleging Racial Pattern of Excessive Force
The group claims Dallas police have participated in a pattern of excessive deadly force against Black and Latino people.
“Not One More Darren Wilson, Not One More Mike Brown”: National Protests Continue Ferguson Struggle
As Darren Wilson resigns from the Ferguson police force, protests continue across the country.
Building a Racially Just Society: Psychological Insights
Michael Brown's tragic death is a salient reminder that the United States is still far from being a racially just and equitable society.
Black Community Crisis: Police Violence in Brazil
For a group of black mothers in Brazil, this year's Black Consciousness Day action will focus on the crisis of lethal racial profiling by police.
Return of the Ferguson War Zone? Missouri Enacts State of Emergency Ahead of Mike Brown Grand Jury
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has declared a state of emergency in advance of the grand jury's pending decision in the Michael Brown shooting case.
Investigation Uncovers “Culture of Impunity” for Chicago Police Department
Chicago police have one in a thousand odd chance of being held accountable for alleged abuse.
Film the Police!
There is no footage of Brown's murder, and many wonder - would events be unfolding differently if there were?